Saturday, October 14, 2006

Soon Bush Will Have Been In More Motion Pictures Than Reagan

Srsly. No srsly people. You've got to stop making movies about George Bush. SRSLY.
Two hundred years from now, people are going to be rifling through the public film archives and uncover an ungodly stockpile of George Bush documentaries that almost quadruples the amount of films based on any other president combined. And then it will be concluded that, as a community, filmmakers were obsessed with George W. Bush. Which, I'm sorry to say, might yet be true.
I'd be happy with two movies about the president. Tops. One about how he's all silly in the head, and one insightful yet fictional one, like the upcoming Death of a President (which I am extensively excited for).
I despise the fact that filmmakers like Michael Moore feel it's their duty as a free-talkin' American to speak out against the Bush administration. I mean, Bush is probably dull and tyrannical, I don't know. But blaming Bush for every single problem in your life by making a movie about it proves nothing. Example: "Bush gave me this fat ass by not making Hershey's illegal", then show Bush playing golf, which is apparently the most sinister and satirical thing ever! Guh, the camera lens is not your own personal all seeing eye of justice! Learn that.

...So Goes The Nation has one foot dangling into these pitfalls, and one foot barely hanging onto the ledge of upper reason. It's about the state of Ohio's position as a potential and probable swing vote in the presidential election, and the CUHRAZY things people will do to sway an individual's vote. Like, zomg! Doorknocking!!! NoOoOoOoOoOoO! Actually, for decades the Mormon's have used that technique to further expand their understanding of Jesus Christ, to little degree of success and a certain degree of annoying every poor, unfortunate dumbass that actually answers the door.
Not being American, my outsider views on John Kerry and George Bush are limited to meaningless. But seeings as this is MY blog, I'm going to have my say. John Kerry looks like a big hessian sack full of spanners. Did he have a terminal illness? WHAT IS HE? He's clearly not a great representative for the first world. He looks like one of those kids that was forced to tapdance because his mother wanted him to get the talent show trophy.

I mean, come on. The only foothold Kerry's supporters seemed to be able to exploit in their campaign was that he was not Bush. Which, I agree, isn't the worst angle to have.
But when Michael Moore takes a podium and shouts "I think think it's time to say 'Goodbye George'", I get a little bit of glee to know he was so wrong. Hehehe, he was so wrong.

Then we have Bush, who somehow scraped enough rigged ballots together apparently and triumphed as the countries most unapproved power position. He's kind of just an old manchild that frequently and clichedly gets compared to a chimpanzee. I hate that, I really hate that. In fact, I hate people that just rip on an authority because there are means to do it. I mean, if you think a chimpanzee can run a country, let alone consistently shape the monopoly of global order and policy whilst establishing and maintaining relationships with UN leaders and figures of hundreds of other countries, then you really need to assess whether you are worthy of commenting on anyone's intellegence. I mean, a chimpanzee!? I dont care if it is an over-exaggeration of his logic, chimps can only barely use twigs to eat ants, you fucking idiots.
Anyways, we all know how this blue corner-red corner rumble in the Ohio ring eventually panned out (or do we!?). I don't think I have to blather on about recent history, go Wiki it or something if you're too sheltered to know the actual details.

...So Goes the Nation
doesn't deserve to be passed off as a Bush bashing clone. It seems to take no sides, demonizing everyone is intergrates with. Which sounds irresponsible and bad, but really, portraying two sides in a negative light cancels the negativity out. Whereas with a Michael Moore documentary, he only villifies the people that stand against him. Like Charelton Heston, who happened to be president of the NRA at the time a little girl he never had any association with EVER was murdered by a gun. What a monster!
I'm awarding a Get Out of Jail Free card for this one, but srsly, enough with the Bush documentaries.

...So Goes the Nation - IFC Films
Anticipation Level: Low.
Look out for: The masterminds of brainwashing. Conservative Americana.
US Release date: October 4th, 2006.
Trailer Source


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